The Manawatu – Wanganui region is located in the lower half of the North Island of New Zealand, comprising the Local Territorial Authorities of the Tararua, Manawatu, Horowhenua, Rangitikei, Wanganui and Ruapehu districts and Palmerston North City.
With over 50% of the land area comprising hill country the region is recognised as a significant sheep and beef producer. Other significant land uses include dairy farming, forestry and horticulture. The region is home to many high performing businesses, supporting the rural base.
The diverse landscape and our strong pastoral farming heritage have led the City, and its university, Massey, to develop a respected science and research base in agri-foods and food innovation.
Our central location creates many unique advantages from which have developed significant capability in transport, warehousing and related logistics services.
Key Productive Sectors in the region include:
Distribution – naturally efficient hubs as acknowledged by the long standing presence of Toyota, Ezibuy, Foodstuffs, DKSH, Woolworths NZ,Open Country Dairy,Suzuki Motors,Mars Pet Care, Affco and many others.
Education – a critical sector that makes an enormous contribution to our region’s economy, and is a massive draw card for talent and innovative projects – there is excellence here in Trades, Design, Defence, Aviation, Engineering, etc.
Agri business and Food – a powerful primary producer with some very smart innovations that are changing New Zealand and world practices; plus a significant and growing base of over 600 world class food scientists as well as many companies who are developing innovative products.
Defence has a long track record in the region , with Linton Army Base, Ohakea Air force Base and Waiouru Training Camp and together with support staff employ over 5% of the regions workforce.
Manufacturing; –some key industries have set up in this region because of the well stablished infrastructure such as rail, road and ultrafast internet and central position with close proximity to major markets.
Central Economic Development Agency – CEDA (Board Member)
Will Samuel ceda-branding
Chief Executive
PO Box 12 025
Palmerston North
P: 06 350 1830
E: will.samuel@ceda.nz
W: www.manawatunz.co.nz/central-economic-development-agency/
Chris Heywood
Economic Development and Project Officer
PO Box 637
Wanganui 4500
P: 06 346 3136
E: chris.heywood@wanganui.govt.nz
W: www.wanganui.govt.nz
Tararua District Council
Lianne Simpkin, Economic Development & Communications Manager
P O Box 115, Dannevirke
P: 06 374 4080
E: lianne.simpkin@tararuadc.govt.nz
W: www.tararuadc.govt.nz
Ruapehu District Council
Warren Furner
Manager Land Transport and Economic Development
Private bag 1001
P: 07 8958188
E: warren.furner@ruapehudc.govt.nz
W: www.ruapehudc.govt.nz
Rangitikei District Council
Denise Servante
Senior Policy Analyst
Private Bag 1102
Marton 4741
P: 06 327 0168
E: denise.servante@rangitikei.govt.nz
W: www.rangitikei.govt.nz
Horowheneua District Council
Shanon Grainger
Economic Development Manager
Private Bag 4002
Levin 5540
P: 06 366 0999
E: shanong@horowhenua.govt.nz
W: www.horowhenua.govt.nz
Horizons Regional Council
Dr Nic Peet
Group Manager Strategy & Regulations
Private Bag 11025
Palmerston North
P: 0205 800 800 ext 5876
E: Nic.Peet@horizons.govt.nz
W: wwwhorizons.govt.nz
Manawatu District Council
Brent Limmer
Community Serveries Group Manager
Private Bag 10001
Feilding 4743
P: 06 323 0000
E: brent.limmer@mdc.govt.nz
W: www.mdc.govt.nz
Palmerston North City Council
Sheryl Bryant
General Manager, City Future
Private Bag 11034
Palmerston North
P: 06 351 4484
E: Sheryl.bryant@pncc.govt.nz
W: www.pncc.govt.nz