The Bay of Plenty represents almost 6% of the NZ economy by employment. Many of its economic activities are similar to those undertaken in parts of the adjoining Waikato region, and the Rotorua and Taupo sub-districts straddle both regions.
The region’s economic strengths have developed from the natural resources and assets located in the area, for example, horticulture, forestry, health, transport and logistics, and tourism. Employment growth has been strong in parts of the primary sector and in sectors related to the port and transport. There has also been employment growth over the last decade in service sectors located in the region’s urban centres, Tauranga and Rotorua.
Bay of Plenty Regional Council – Board Member
Cheryl MacGregor
Senior Economic Development Officer, Bay of Plenty Regional Council
PO Box 364
Whakatane 3158
P: 0800 884 881 x 8350
E: Cheryl.Macgregor@boprc.govt.nz
W: www.boprc.govt.nz
Priority One
Nigel Tutt
Chief Executive
PO Box 13057
P: 07 571 1401
E: info@priorityone.co.nz
W: www.priorityone.co.nz
Grow Rotorua
Francis Pauwels
Chief Executive
Private Bag 3007
P: 07 351 7052
E: francis.pauwels@growrotorua.com
W: www.rotoruanz.com/do-business/home/
Enterprise Great Lake Taupo
Mr Martin ‘Fritz’ Frohlke – Manager
Level 1, 32 Roberts Street
P: 07 376 7656
M: 021 322 328
E: fritz@greatlaketaupo.biz
W: www.greatlaketaupo.biz