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Paul is the Chief Executive for Venture Southland which is a joint initiative of the Invercargill City, Southland District Council, and Gore District.

Venture Southland is the agency responsible for the regions economic and community development initiatives.

Paul has a practical and academic background in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry and has had a significant career in education , training and development within New Zealand and overseas both as a lecturer and in senior management positions.

Prior to commencing with Venture Southland Paul worked for the Ministry of Social Development as the Regional Labour Market Manager for the Southern Region for seven years. Paul has worked in South Africa, Thailand and within China on education and development programmes and has worked for Holiday Inn Corporation and Hyatt Corporation.

Paul has a Master of Business, Bachelor of Commerce, and Dip Grad in management from the University of Otago and a Diploma in Teaching. Paul was recognised in 2003 by the Hospitality ITO for his leadership, contribution, vision and service to the New Zealand Hospitality industry over the past fifteen years within the area of training and development. Paul was also invited to the Ngai Tahu First Nations Futures Leaderships Programme on Tribal Economies and has experience in Chinese and Asian Business relationships with research and publication into Chinese Business Investment in New Zealand.

Paul was born and educated in Gore and is proud to lead the agency to promote Southland and the region as a desirable place to live, learn, do business, and visit.

Contact Details:

Chief Executive – Venture Southland

PO Box 1306


P: 03 211 1402



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